Anonymous posting enabled
You can now post anonymously if you don't want to create an account at Blogspot. For now, company policy dictates that I have to screen anonymous posts. I think this would slow down discussion, too much, so I'm working on getting the policy change. Bear with me.
But no matter what the policy, my personal policy is to delete any material that is libelous or obscene. Libelous means false and malicious things said about any person, unless it is clearly a parody. Obscene means... well, mild cussing is OK, but don't be telling anyone to do an unnatural act with himself.
Also, I request that you add some sort of identifier just to facilitate discussion -- an online handle (e.g., bigfella457) or initials or whatever. Otherwise, we end up with one post by "anonymous" referring to a post by another "anonymous."
But no matter what the policy, my personal policy is to delete any material that is libelous or obscene. Libelous means false and malicious things said about any person, unless it is clearly a parody. Obscene means... well, mild cussing is OK, but don't be telling anyone to do an unnatural act with himself.
Also, I request that you add some sort of identifier just to facilitate discussion -- an online handle (e.g., bigfella457) or initials or whatever. Otherwise, we end up with one post by "anonymous" referring to a post by another "anonymous."