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Monday, June 12, 2006

Quickies: EGF Civic Center, Riverside Pool

* East Grand Forks City Council members approved a $908,000 overhaul of the Civic Center tonight.

They learned their lesson from 2004 when voters rejected a $3 million overhaul because it was too expensive and would result in a property tax hike. This time, all the money will come out of the reserves, which are the city's savings account. A quarter of the money would come out of general reserves, bringing reserve levels to the lowest level recommended by the state. Three-quarters would come out of the water and light department's reserves.

* Grand Forks Council members said the city needs to get the Park District on board with any plans to re-open Riverside Pool. Sounds like a rebuke to Council member Doug Christensen for his enthusiastic (over enthusiastic?) support for the pool. What, is this guy running for mayor? Ward 5 is in the south end. Hawhaw.

* That plan to put bike racks downtown was questioned by some Grand Forks council members. Bob Brooks: $2,700 to park 24 bikes? Christensen: Isn't this gonna prevent easy cleaning of the sidewalks? The big question, though, is: Will this encourage biking to work? City staff suggested renting out the bike parking. Dorette Kerian: "I hope we get customers first before we put them in." Nice idea but car parking is free.

* WDAZ follow-up on proposed dog park on 24th Avenue South. Link courtesy of GrandForksGuy. Also, this is the first time I've referenced a WDAZ story. Lord, this Forum buy-out is getting to me.

* If you want to bitch about downtown parking, there's an open house about it 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday, in the Herald Community Room.

* "Please, for the love of God, GET more airline choices," JGS pleads, in reaction to this story. They're trying man, they're trying. The way our boardings are going that ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Who wants to enter an ailing market?

* Fear and loathing in Grand Forks.

* Fear and loathing amuses Good Ol' Boy.

* No fear but plenty of loathing from Rick Abbott in reaction to loathing from Good Ol' Boy (And I thought everybody hated the Herald!).

Honestly people, can't we all get along?

* All those commercials about how dangerous smoking is even in bars is pissing off bar owners. Is there a bartender out there that is opposed to smoking in bars? Because this is supposed to protect workers but the only people I've heard get excited about smoking bans are consumers.


Blogger Good Ol' Boy said...

Fear and loathing? Hmmm.. I guess I never considered it. I thought I specialized in spreading hate and discontent!

Back to the drawing board.....

8:52 PM  
Blogger Rick said...

Getting along is overrated. Swordfighting is how you settle things.

9:38 PM  

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