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Monday, July 10, 2006

Dog park petition, the sequel

Anybody remember Nancy Joyner?

Four years ago, she wrote a letter to the Herald editor suggesting the city of Grand Forks build a dog park where dogs like hers can enjoy a little freedom from the leash.

Well, with progress on the dog park moving at roughly the speed of -- hmmm, what is it that takes three years to move no where?* Let's say it's not moving at a pace that suggests there will be a dog park, conveniently located in town, any time soon. There's also a lot of NIMBY opposition popping up and irate taxpayers wondering why they have to pay for somebody's pet's happiness.

So Nancy is doing what a lot of people have been doing lately: She's putting together a petition. It says simply: "I support Grand Forks City and Park District in establishing a fenced dog park area within Grand Forks." Nancy's just trying to show a little voting muscle. Petitions are at veterinarian offices, pet stores and pet supply stores. You can also e-mail her here.

In the interest of fairness, I haven't talked to other dog park petitioners but if you are one of them, let me know and I will post your contact information.

* The city identified two potential sites for a dog park back in August 2003. Now it is July and two potential sites have faced such vigorous opposition that I'm pretty sure they've been ruled out. Haha. Like Council member Doug Christensen likes to say, this is like "making sausage."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not declare East Grand Forks the "Dog Park" for the area? They let dogs run wild over there and the cops don't seem to care. After all now that they levee is almost complete you have a natural fence of sorts!

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not declare East Grand Forks the "Dog Park" for the area? They let dogs run wild over there and the cops don't seem to care. After all now that they levee is almost complete you have a natural fence of sorts!

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

11:36 AM  

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