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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Quickies: Hunting on GF's Greenway?

* Not being from around here, the City Beat had to sort of snicker at the letter the state Game and Fish Department sent to the city of Grand Forks.

Department director Terry Steinwand said he'd heard the city was looking to ban the feeding of deer. City staff reported that that is necessary because the new Greenway park system would prove irresistible to the animals.

But Steinwand suggested that the city might want to go one step further:
What the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, as well as other agencies around the country, have found to be the most effective and cost efficient approach is to: 1) reduce or eliminate deer feeding and baiting, and 2) have a hunting season.

Apparently, Bismarck already has a bow hunting season, Bemidji just put one in place and Fargo is looking to do the same. Besides that, Steinwand is right, there's tons of places where urban bow hunting is allowed. A quick Google search found that cities in Virginia do this, so do cities in Missouri and Ohio.

Being the ignorant city slicker that I am, this scares the willies out of me. Hopefully, it's safer than it sounds. We're probably talking about hunting in sparsely inhabited areas of the city, not, say, Belmont Road.

* Dog park activists at Roaming Paws Advocates have a new Web site. They're also planning to push their cause at the Aug. 19 Farmer's Market, which has the theme of "Dog Days of Summer." There will be petitions available for signing.

* That request from LM Glasfiber to expand its space in the Noah's Ark Building in the Industrial Park is coming up Monday night. It'll be on City Council TV on Channel 2 at 7.

* Grand Forks city staff is proposing the city apply for National Recreation Trail designation for the city's Greenway by the river. "National Recreation Trails benefit from the prestige and increased visibility of being part of the National Trail System," staff wrote.

Here's a Web site with trails that are now part of the system.

* There's going to be a follow-up to that meeting on downtown parking that the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks Metropolitan Planning Organization held a month ago. It'll be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday, in the Herald's Community Room. A presentation starts at 5:30 p.m.

If you're planning on attending, be aware that the entrance the Community Room is in the alley and there's a fence blocking the area of the alley closest to the Herald parking lot. Use the alley between the Herald and the federal courthouse.

* Speaking of parking, the Urban Development Department is looking to move Central High School student parking from the Civic Auditorium lot to the one behind the dikes off of Riverboat Road. I'm told the walking distance appear longer but is the same. The reason for the move is Urban Development thinks it might have a tenant for the auditorium. No, I still don't know who the would-be tenant is. There's some speculation it's but that rumor has apparently been around for a while.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real question is.. where are Central students going to park when the river rises during spring? To me, this whole parking issue needs another look.

1:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the city should let the students utilize more of the parking ramp. At least it would get used by someone. I remember after the flood the city talked about Central having a downtown football field too... still waiting on that one.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Tu-Uyen said...

Central students can use the parking ramp, only they have to go up higher.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tu-Uyen, as far as I remember, the top floors of parking ramp wouldn't be enough for all the students cars that park in the civic lots. Unless I'm wrong?

5:24 PM  
Blogger Tu-Uyen said...

No, I think you're right. I guess I meant it's not reserved parking. I should've mentioned that they don't want their cars vandalized any more than the rest of us so fat chance getting them to use it.

11:30 PM  

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