Moving to Area Voices
As much as I hate to do it, the City Beat is gonna have to go over to Area Voices, owned by our overlords at Forum Communications.
I'm tentatively making the moving date Sept. 1.
I know how you guys feel about Area Voices so here's the deal: Tell me why you think it sucks and I'll look into ways to change it. We're not real sure how much control we'll have but I'm hoping that as a part of the Forum, we'll get to muck around with the codes more than others would. Who knows...
Update 2:39 p.m., 8/24/06: Word is Fargo's working on the RSS feeds for us. Your complaints are being noted.
I'm tentatively making the moving date Sept. 1.
I know how you guys feel about Area Voices so here's the deal: Tell me why you think it sucks and I'll look into ways to change it. We're not real sure how much control we'll have but I'm hoping that as a part of the Forum, we'll get to muck around with the codes more than others would. Who knows...
Update 2:39 p.m., 8/24/06: Word is Fargo's working on the RSS feeds for us. Your complaints are being noted.
No!!!!!!! Say it ain't so, Tuey!!!!
First of all, what about getting Area Voices to add some sort of feeds to their blogs? Without a feed, your posts won't even show up in the "Grand Forks Blogosphere" box on my blog. All blogs really should be able to have feeds now days.
I also dislike the comment sections in Area Voices blogs. They seem to always have the oldest posts on the bottom and the newest on top...opposite from how you currenly have your comments set up on blogspot. Also, I don't think you can use any kind of HTML tags in comments on Area Voices.
I wish you didn't have to do this, but I know you guys really don't have any choice...
Tu, let me add my voice to GrandForksGuy's.
When the Herald set you guys up on blogs it would a tremendous move in the right direction. A move forward. Moving to Area Voices and its archaic, lame technology is a step backward.
No feeds. Clunky commenting system. Like I said before, this is a good way to make sure that Forum Communications blogs aren't widely read in the greater blogosphere. this blog is actually part of the Herald? I thought this was something you did on your own timer rather than an official part of your reporter job.
Forget imperial cass and do what you must to voice the small city to the noth. I like your news jim
I've been working on it a little today. Yeah, that site was designed by monkeys. Aw, man...
Tu, if you're allowed you should keep up this site (or another you set up) separate from the Area Voices thing.
Heck, if you want you could even post your stuff over at SA.
It really sucks to see you moving off to Area Voices obscurity.
ewwwww. At least make them get RSS!
Area Voices getting RSS?
I'll believe it when I see it, but my question is this: Why are they re-inventing the wheel? There are a myriad of excellent blogging platforms out there that are much more consistent with what the blogosphere at large is already doing. Most of these platforms are even available for free.
Why not utilize one of them?
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