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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Check out this link

The My Grand Forks blog, by JGS was kind enough to put the City Beat on the link list but I can't return the favor.

Why? Because we're supposed to treat a link like a letter to the editor, which requires us to know who wrote the letter. That's what the Web master and some others say anyway. Never mind that following this twisted logic, I'd have to check the identity of every person who posts a comment on this page. Compare publishing comments directly on the blog with publishing a flipping link. Which sounds like more of an official endorsement to you?

I swear, the corporate mentality drives me up the wall. Some people in the newspaper industry think blogs will destroy us one day. Not me. I think we'll destroy us first.

By the way, this letter-to-the-editor rule means Grand Forks Life's place on the link list is in question, too.

Well, we'll see about that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, thats some really awkward rules. But thanks for the shout out anyhow, Tran! Always love to check out Grand Forks type websites/blogs! Hopefully some people take notice.

As always, keep up the good work, Tran. Looks like your getting some traffic through your blog! :)

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto Jgs!

Tu: Is that the same reason why the Herald editorial blog seemed to go nowhere?It would get one posted comment every few weeks. How can you run a blog like that?

People want free flow of information, whether it be anonymous or not, and they want it immediately. There is no time for verification in the digital world.

Let the people rant and leave it to the reader to decide who the fakers and pretenders are.


Your man in Tampa (but in Wisconsin now)

1:20 PM  
Blogger GrandForksGuy said...

In my opinion, the problem with the editorial blog is that it is rarely (if ever) about local issues. Local blogs are rare (although that seems to be changing!), but blogs covering national politics are a dime a dozen. Why would someone care to read the Herald's blog entry about something Bush did when they can read hundreds of other blogs talking about the same thing? If the Herald wants to get traffic on its editorial blog, it should take a cue from us other GF-based bloggers and keep it local.

I sure hope you can keep (and add) links to other blogs on the City Beat. Blogs linking to each other is one of the prime means for the local blogosphere to take off. Of course, maybe your bosses don't really want the local blog scene taking any business away from them. I guess I can see why some in the newspaper industry fear blogs, but I think they are going to have to learn to accept and adapt to them if they want to turn the tide on the current state of the newspaper industry. Power to the bloggers!

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

10:30 PM  

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