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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The "Mac" fiasco

Alright, now that the election is over, let me reveal this to you: I didn't really want Mike McNamara to win.

Nothing against him personally, I just don't really want a potential media competitor to be in a position to know things I don't. Cripes, people, I don't even like talk radio (sorry Dakota, et al.).

But none of you knew that because I did my job and tried to be fair and balanced (not the ironic Fox version, the authentic version).

Yes, we screwed up on the banner photo. That's the fault of the photographer and designers, none of whom know anything about city politics and therefore couldn't be supporting any candidate. The weekend photographer and layout staff that did the page isn't very politically astute. The part-time photographer who took the now infamous photo is a UND student from Las Vegas.

I also focused early on on Mac because -- guess what? -- he's got a really interesting story. A marine running for office from the war zone? Are you kidding me? Matt Drudge thought it was cool and we've been getting media inquiries all day. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy got on national TV.

When I wrote about Mac initially, I didn't let him talk too much about the politics, just his situation in Iraq. Since that initial coverage, I haven't given him any more ink than other candidates.

Hope this clears up any conspiracies.

Update 1:14 p.m., 6/15/06: A major "whoops" by me. I didn't mean the entire desk staff didn't know anything about city politics. I meant the staff that laid out the Monday page with the offending photo.

We had a friendly debate over beers. To them, it was just a random and attractive photo that shows a glimpse of the community. They didn't really think about whose name it was that's on the sign. It's not their fault, one of them said, if readers perceive their intentions to be less than honorable.

I tore my hair out and said it's all about perception when you're in the public eye. That's why smart politicians will avoid not only a conflict of interest but the appearance of a conflict of interest. Oh well, they'll be repentant someday.

Also, the other thing I should have noted is that Mac did say he wouldn't let his political career mingle with his radio career. I won't discount a Marine's honor, but it still makes my professional instincts itch like mad.


Blogger Peder Rice said...

haha, Tu-Uyen, I think Mac's 49% of the vote was enough to dispel any theories. Mike not only had strong name recognition and effective signs and letters, he also got his supporters to come out and vote.

Now, I still disagree with McNamara with respect to affordable housing (I think he's going to end up doing more harm than good if he's able to render any change at all) among others, but all-in-all, I believe that McNamara is a smart, well-spoken individual that shares many of my beliefs and values.

And I think that many Ward 2 voters saw the same. Even if they didn't share every sentiment, they were still able to connect. They just plain liked the guy.

And this is to say nothing of the other candidates -- myself included :) -- but Mike is far more of a feel-good candidate than everyone else.

I can't remember Kenville smiling during the Forum of the League of Women Voters, and I know personally that I had very negative views on the outlook of Grand Forks lest things change.

And frankly, when only 10% of the city is motivated to come out and vote anyhow, that little bit of extra motivation that McNamara's confidence and optimism provides can make all the difference.

12:30 AM  
Blogger Dakota Huseby said...

No offense taken here--everyone says they hate talk radio, until a 100 mile per hour wind comes screeching through and you're getting ready to kiss your patoot goodbye.

8:38 AM  
Blogger GrandForksGuy said...

You're a pretty good sport, Peder. You should make a good politician...and I mean that as a compliment!

I should also compliment Tu-Uyen for being so "fair and balanced".

I personally think Mac will be rather interesting, but I don't think I'm going to like most of his ideas. I also don't think that all of the other council members will like some of his ideas all that much I don't think I should worry about his agenda too much...

3:13 AM  

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