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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

EGF hires new fire chief who's also been a cop, is departmental consolidation far behind?

The East Grand Forks City Council hired Randy Gust as permanent fire chief tonight. Gust, who was the fire marshal, has served as interim chief since Chief Frank Ringstad retired earlier this year. The city will not hire a new fire marshal because that position got folded into the fire chief position. The savings in wage and benefits for the city is $65,000.

Interesting piece here is that Gust used to be a cop. Council Vice President Henry Tweten made a point of mentioning that Tuesday. Henry had wanted to consolidate the police and fire departments and still wants to consolidate departments. That'd be a lot easier if the guy in charge has experience in both fields.

The city had combined the positions back during the flood. There's a story in the archives about the council reluctantly accepting public safety director Ed Leier's resignation, and the council members all seemed to have had something nice to say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lack of comments only proves that people in East Grand Forks don't have computers, don't get the Grand Forks Herald, can't read or don't care! Randy Gust will make a good Fire Chief I just hope they don't hire any more of those fat, overweight parasites that live of the public tax dollar.

11:57 AM  

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